800-546-7106 [email protected]

FQHC Services

Services to current FQHCs and Community Health Centers

Contact us If you are interested in becoming an FQHC or Look Alike

New 330 Grantee & Look Alike Support
FQHCmd knows that development and securing a New Access Point is not only a tremendous amount of work but a dedication by all involved.  In reality, the work doesn’t stop there, in fact it is only the beginning.  The development of efficient business and HR systems, training for your board and staff, developing an organization wide Quality Assurance and Improvement culture, compliance reporting and Emergency Preparedness planning are some of the areas that FQHCmd can help with.
We also have years of experience with Budgeting and reporting including your annual Budget Period Progress Reports and Change in Scope reporting, developing an action oriented Peer Review Policy and interim CFO or CFO development.
Contact us to discuss your particular needs.

Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) Preparation


The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ACA) requires tax-exempt hospitals to create a hospital community health needs assessment every three years and FQHC’s need to have an updated Needs Assessment to meet the requirements set out by HRSA.  FQHCmd has worked with hospitals, FQHC’s and other entities producing detailed Community Health Needs Assessments (CHNA).  If you are looking to update or have a complete, detailed Needs Assessment of your current or potential service area or county, please contact us and ask about our Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) Report.

Policies, Procedures and Documentation


Though we always made available to our clients a complete library of documentation necessary for FQHC/FQHC Look Alike compliance, we now have one source and can be instantly downloaded.  Formerly known as the Operational Resource Handbook, this library of Policy & Procedure templates and other documentation includes templates and resources that are currently being utilized in FQHC’s throughout the country and meet and/or exceeds the current FQHC & FQHC Look Alike Requirements.  All templates are in word format (excluding informational articles and references (PowerPoint or PDF) and some spreadsheet applications (Excel).  and can be tailored to your organizational needs and circumstances.  The complete library and accompanying files will greatly reduce your time and cost in producing your necessary documentation.

Our current services to FQHCs and Community Health Centers





Service Area Competition (SAC) Grants


New Access Point (NAP) Grants


Board & Staff Training/Strategic Planning


Budget Period Progress Reports


Operational & Efficiency Assessments 


OSV Preparation (“Mock” Survey)



New Grantee Support

  • Develop robust grant applications 
  • Develop federal expansion and renewal applications
  • Facilitate meetings for board of directors, executive staff, managers, and volunteers
  • NAP & SAC grant applications.
  • Operational Site Visit (OSV) help (“Mock” Survey) :  A complete on-site intensive review that covers all areas for potential upcoming HRSA Operational Assessment
  • Service Area Competition (SAC) Grant preparation and development
  • Provide assistance on building strategic partnerships and show where we have been successful with these partnerships in real life situations
  • Facilitate strategic planning process & assist with business plans for long term sustainability as well as provide complete clinical, human resources and Policy and Procedure manuals that have been reviewed by our attorneys and in use at a number of FQHC’s today.
  • Conduct Operational and Efficiency Reviews for increased Capacity & Productivity.
  • Provide technical assistance on successful strategies for recruiting, training, and managing volunteers and physicians.  We have over 10 years experience recruiting health care professionals for FQHC’s.
  • Update your Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) & target population strategies and review with management